Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Your Study Island accounts are ready!

Study Island accounts are available at FVES for students in grades 3, 4 & 5 for ELA and Math. 5th Grade also has the Science module. 

To get started:
Go to www.studyisland.com
Click Login in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

Your username is your Wake County username@fvesnc (ex. ksiegert@fvesnc)
Check your email for your password. 

Usernames are their lunch number@fvesnc (ex. 9441234@fvesnc)
Check your email for their password. 

On the iPads:
While at the moment there is not an app for that, you can add the Study Island Mobile link by going to Safari, www.studyisland.com/cfw/mobile, and add the link to the Home Screen. A suggestion would be to rename the icon Study Island, rather than the default "Login." 
Or you can have the students use it through the Chrome App. 

Teachers will be prompted to verify their email and grade level when logging in.

I believe I have your classes set up for you. Please let me know if something isn't correct.

There is a great Help section- Click Help, then How-To, then Teachers. 
If you are not familiar with Study Island, there are lessons, videos and assessments for each standard. It is self paced. You can give assignments or let the students choose. Students earn access to educational games when they meet certain criteria. You can set that criteria in your class preferences. Note: How well they do in the games affects their overall score.

The students really seem to enjoy using this program! 
Please let us know if you would like help getting started :)

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